About our Tradition

Handed down in an unbroken lineage, Modern Kadampa Buddhism is a special, practical presentation of Buddha’s teachings that is particularly suited to the modern day. Modern Kadampa Buddhism preserves the meaning and intention of Buddha’s original teachings while presenting them in a clear and systematic way that people of any culture, age or gender can understand and put into practice in daily life. Visit our tradition’s main website here.

Download Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2025 brochure here

The origins of Modern Kadampa Buddhism

Buddhism is flexible, adapting its presentation to help the people of the time and place it finds itself, with a lineage of realised teachers descending form the original Buddha keeping the meaning of the teachings intact; every authentic Buddhist tradition follows such a lineage. Find out about the development of Modern Buddhism in this video.

Our Spiritual Guide

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso is a fully accomplished meditation master and internationally renowned teacher of Buddhism. Geshe-la, as he is affectionately called by his students, is primarily responsible for the worldwide revival of Kadampa Buddhism in our time.

International Temples Project

Venerable Geshe-la has created the ‘International Temples Project’, an international charity working for world peace.  Through this growing network of traditional temples, city centre meditation spaces and retreat centres, an increasing number of people can gain access to Buddha’s teachings and find the support needed to cultivate lasting happiness and deep inner peace. Find out more here.

Senior Teachers

One of the major accomplishments of Venerable Geshe-la is to have trained qualified teachers who come from the same society as the people they teach. Their understanding of both the ancient technology of Buddha’s teachings, and the modern world in which they teach, allows these sincere practitioners to set a practical and inspiring example we can all follow.

Here are a few of our senior teachers:

NKT-IKU National & International Events

Venerable Geshe-la has established International Festivals and National Dharma Celebrations where families and friends, beginners and long established practitioners all gather to learn more about and to practice Buddha’s teachings. At these events, often attended by people from scores of countries, you can get a genuine feeling that world peace is in fact possible. More information below. Links open in external sites.